UNLEASH New Leg Size & Strength With 5 Killer Leg Exercises That Will Flip The "Growth Switch" ON in Your Quads, Hams, Glutes and Calves...


So if you're BORED with your leg training... (or if you avoid it completely!)...
If you've stopped getting results altogether...
Or if you're embarassed because you look like you're riding a chicken when you wear shorts and "normal" leg exercises just aren't cutting it...

We're going to FIX all your
leg problems right now!

I'm Nick Nilsson, the "Mad Scientist of Muscle" and these 5 new exercises will target your legs with LASER precision to "flip the switch" for maximum growth and strength.


Here's your first exercise...




Nick Nilsson...The Mad Scientist of Muscle - The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of

Mad Scientist Leg Exercise #1:

Build SERIOUS Power Out of The Hole AND Work Every Muscle In Your Lower Body in ONE Time-Efficient Exercise...



The Problem: You're Too Weak Out of the Bottom of Squats and Lunges and It Limits The Weight You Can Lift

This is one of the BIGGEST problems you're going to run into with your squats and lunges...you don't have the power you SHOULD have coming out of the bottom of the exercise (a.k.a. "the hole").

The reason is that you've likely focused on leg exercises that rely on elastic muscle tension to a great degree to come out of the bottom. In the short run, it will allow you to lift more, but in the LONG run, it will severely limit the amount of weight you can move.

The Solution: Dumbbell Switch Leg Split Squats

This exercise is going to work almost everything in your lower body, all in one shot. And all you need is a single set of dumbbells.

This exercise forces your muscles to do ALL the work by taking away ANY hint of elastic/rebound help out of the bottom of the split squat position. And no elastic tension means more MUSCLE tension, which means more efficient muscle growth and greatly improved strength out of the hole for you.

You're going to accomplish this by switching legs in the kneeling position at the BOTTOM of the movement, coming back up on the opposite leg that you came down on.

Start in a standing position. Come down into the bottom position with one leg back...this part is a Reverse Lunge.

Bring your front leg down and kneel on both knees. Now swing the OTHER leg forward and around and get into the split squat position on that other side.

From here, you're starting the exercise from a TOTAL dead stop with ZERO elastic tension in the muscles to help. When you come back up, you'll discover just how extremely demanding this is on the glutes and hamstrings.

Now, come up to the standing position again.

From there, step back and down with the same leg you just stepped up with and repeat the cycle in reverse.

The Bottom Line:

If you consistenly fail out of the bottom of the squat, you need to develop power out of the hole...and this exercise is one of THE best choices you can make for forcing your entire lower body to work from a dead stop. It will hammer your quads, glutes and hamstrings HARD all in one movement with practically NO setup time required.

Want to keep this exercise for reference? Right-click here and choose "save target as" to download a "take home" PDF of this exercise now...





Nick Nilsson...The Mad Scientist of Muscle - The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of

Mad Scientist Leg Exercise #2:

A KILLER Squat Variation That Will Build Your Legs While Giving You INCREDIBLE Core Strength...


The Problem
: Your Core is the Weak Link on All Your Strength-Focused Leg Exercises...

When you squat with heavy weight, do you find that your core tends to "fold over" when you're trying to come out of the bottom?

If so, you've got MASSIVE potential leg strength and muscle development just flying out the window on every single set you do. You're basically "leaking" power because your core can't properly support your body and the load.

The Solution: One-Shoulder Barbell Squats

This exercise will ATTACK your core, developing rock-solid strength that carries DIRECTLY over into all your other "big" leg exercises like barbell squats...because it IS a squat!

First, set up the power rack just as you would for a normal squat. The J hooks just one notch lower than you would usually set them. This will make it easier to get the bar into the start position. I also recommend using either a barbell pad or rolled-up towel for padding this exercise.

Stand perpendicular to the bar then set your shoulder underneath it.

DO NOT set your shoulder in the exact center of the bar. You want to set it a little bit forward of the centerpoint so that when you stand up and the bar is balancing on your shoulder, it actually feels like it's falling backwards a little.

The reason for this is that you'll be gripping on the FRONT end of the bar...the unbalanced weight of the back end of the bar pulling down will allow you to LOCK the barbell solidly onto your shoulder by opposing that force.

If your shoulder is directly in the center, the bar will actually be more unstable and unbalanced on your body (it sounds strange but it's true and something you'll learn from experience with this exercise!).

Get your core solid and tight, then stand up. Make sure the bar is within your base of support (inside where you planted your foot) when you unrack it.

Now take a few small steps to the side, set your feet in a fairly wide stance with your toes pointing out about 30 degrees, then squat down.

As you squat down, use your grip on the bar to keep it as horizontal as possible. Then, using glute and leg power, come back up.

Just holding the bar on one shoulder will challenge your core strongly...when you hold the loaded bar on one shoulder while doing a full SQUAT, you get MASSIVE workload on the deep muscles of the core...the ones that are directly involved in supporting your torso coming out of the bottom of the squat.

I recommend working this exercise for fairly low reps...e.g. 5-7 reps per set. This will allow you to use more weight and really challenge your core muscles strongly.

When you've completed your reps, set the bar back on the J hooks CAREFULLY, making sure the bar always stays over your base of support so you're never off balance.

Take a 60 to 90 second rest period here, then repeat facing the other way. Always do even numbers of sets with the exercise for optimal core strength balance.

The first time you try this exercise, start with just the bar, to see how it feels. Once you get a feel for it, you can work up to some good-sized loads!

The Bottom Line

If your core strength (or lack of it!) is killing your squatting strength, this is an exercise you need to add into your arsenal right away. It's totally targeted to developing the "steel girder" core strength necessary for performing perfect-form squats, no matter how heavy the weight.

Want to keep this exercise for reference? Right-click here and choose "save target as" to download a "take home" PDF of this exercise now...





Nick Nilsson...The Mad Scientist of Muscle - The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of

Mad Scientist Leg Exercise #3:

Improve Your Athletic Performance FAST (and Prevent Groin Pulls) With This LATERAL Leg Exercise...


The Problem: You Have Poor Lateral Leg Strength Because Most Leg Exercises Only Work Straight Up and Down

When you think of leg training, you think squats, lunges, leg press, leg extensions, leg curls, maybe stiff-legged deadlifts, right?

If you think about it further, those exercise are all just straight up and down. If you're an athlete or simply want to be stronger in ALL sorts of movement patterns (and be less susceptible to injury!), you need to train LATERALLY as well.


The Solution: One-Arm Dumbbell Sumo Reaching Stiff-Legged Deadlifts

This exercise is going to train your legs and lower back to function in an entirely unique and extremely USEFUL way...moving SIDEWAYS with resistance.

In addition, this exercise is also going to very strongly target the inner thigh muscles (called the adductors) with an isometric contraction.

And while it tends to be women who are more concerned with the inner thigh area, it's also critical for MEN to have strong, powerful adductors...after all, how many athletes have you heard of getting a pulled groin?

The "groin" muscles are the ADDUCTORS...and they likely wouldn't have pulled it if they would've strengthened this movement pattern.

To do this exercise, all you need is a single, moderate-to-heavy dumbbell (obviously you want to start light the first time you do this one, especially if you've done any wide-stance training like this before).

Take a wide "sumo" stance on the floor, toes pointing out a bit. How far you point them out will be up to you and your preference. The dumbbell should be on the floor by your left foot.

Now, while keeping a TIGHT arch in your lower back (important!), bend forward at the waist and grasp the dumbbell handle.

Next, using a "stiff-legged deadlift" movement, lift the dumbbell off the floor, come up to ALMOST vertical (don't come to fully vertical so that you maintain tension in the lower back muscles).

Now lean to the OTHER side and set the dumbbell down by your right foot. Once you've done that, reach across your body with your other hand and grasp the dumbbell.

Pick up the dumbbell, come up, then bring it back over to the other side again.

The Bottom Line

Lateral leg training is EXTREMELY important and yet is almost completely neglected in most programs. It has TREMENDOUS potential to dramatically improve athletic performance very quickly, in addition to helping prevent common injuries like a pulled groin!

This very simple exercise allows you to target your adductors (isometrically) and abductors in the lateral movement pattern quickly and easily, while giving you the option to add substantial resistance, once your body is ready for it.

Want to keep this exercise for reference? Right-click here and choose "save target as" to download a "take home" PDF of this exercise now...





Nick Nilsson...The Mad Scientist of Muscle - The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of

Mad Scientist Leg Exercise #4:

An Exercise That Takes the Quads Completely OUT and ATTACKS Your Glutes From TWO Directions At Once...


The Problem: You Want to Work Your Glutes But Your Quads Take Over Instead...OR...You Want to Work Your Glutes But You've Got Bad Knees

One of the BIG reasons you might have small, weak, underdeveloped glutes is that your quadriceps take over any squatting or lunging movements you do. This problem of "sleeping" glutes is actually very common.

As well, if you've got knee issues, doing any sort of squatting or lunging movement for glute development may not even be possible for you!


The Solution: One-Leg Glute Deadlifts

This exercise is going to go to hit your glutes in TWO different ways...at the SAME time. This will literally FORCE them to activate while at the same time preventing the quads from taking over the exercise...

...simply because they're not physically ABLE to.

This is also how we're going to get around any knee issues you might have...there won't be any active bending (i.e. flexion) in the knee during the exercise, other than simply holding a position. All the action is going to happen at the hip.

The setup for this exercise is simple...a flat bench and a pair of moderate-weight dumbbells (I would even recommend testing your setup without any weight at all, first).

Pick up the dumbbells and stand about 3 feet from the bench (you'll have to adjust this foot placement based on your own height and leg length).

Now reach back with your right leg and set your SHIN on the bench. At the same time, hook your toes over the back edge of the bench (very useful for "locking" your leg onto the bench for stability) and bend your front leg knee about 45 degrees.

You'll be "sitting" in this position for the duration of the exercise...and THIS is what puts a strong isometric load on the glute of that front leg...CONTINUOUSLY through the entire exercise..

The important thing to remember is that even though this position might LOOK like the start of a Bulgarian Split Squat, the exercise does NOT involve any actual split squatting movement.

Once you're set in that top position, lean forward as though you're going to set the dumbbells down on the floor. DON'T set the dumbbells down on the floor, though! Lean forward only far enough that your stomach contacts your thigh.

And be VERY sure that you maintain an arch in your lower back all the way forward. Hold that position for a few seconds.

Now here's the OTHER way this exercise targets your glutes...

When you come back up to the top, it's going to be via the hip extension function of the glute. Your glute will basically be pulling your torso (and the weight) back up into the top position WHILE it's also supporting your bodyweight (and the weight) isometrically in a STRETCHED position.

This FORCES massive activation of the glute muscles and will light a fire in your butt like nothing you've ever felt before.

When you've completed your reps (I recommend fairly low reps of about 5 to 7 per set), set the dumbbells down, change legs, then repeat on the other side.

The Bottom Line:

You will feel this exercise from the moment you start it. It puts INCREDIBLE tension on the glutes two different ways at the same time. If you have a hard time feeling your glutes working or if you have knee issues, this is the PERFECT exercise for firing up your glutes FAST.

And if you DON'T have either of those issues but just want to get a bigger, better (or stronger!) butt, this exercise is exactly what you're looking for to get the job done.

Want to keep this exercise for reference? Right-click here and choose "save target as" to download a "take home" PDF of this exercise now...





Nick Nilsson...The Mad Scientist of Muscle - The Best Bodyweight Exercises You've Never Heard Of

Mad Scientist Leg Exercise #5:

Develop Eye-Popping, Laser-Cut Diamond Calves... Even If Your Calves Currently SUCK!...


The Problem: Your Calves are "Missing In Action" and Nothing You've Tried Seems to Make Them Grow

I'll be straight up with you...calves are one of the TOUGHEST muscle groups to develop, especially if you have terrible genetics for them. They can take a beating and still not grow an inch.

And to make matters worse, one of the best exercises for calves is the Donkey Calf Raise...and it is EXTREMELY rare to find a good Donkey Calf Raise machine, even in a fairly well-equipped gym...and FORGET having one in a home gym. There just isn't the space or budget for a standalone machine.


The Solution: Lengthwise Barbell Donkey Calf Raises

This exercise setup mimics the Donkey Calf Raise machine PERFECTLY...in fact, I think it's even BETTER than any Donkey Calf Raise machine I've ever used because of the freedom of movement (and the stabilization requirement) it offers.

With a simple power rack, barbell and calf block, you will make the Donkey machine obsolete.

Set the safety rail on one side of the rack to about upper ab/lower chest height. Set the other safety rail a few notches lower so that you have a downward angle on the bar. Load both ends of the bar fairly equally (be careful when loading the lower end so the plates don't slide off).

Set a calf block by the bottom end, inside the rack. I also recommend using a barbell pad or towel for padding. This is especially important as you start using heavier weights.

Grip the high end of the bar with an alternating grip then get your feet set on the calf block.

Get into position with the bar running lengthwise down your back. The pad should be on your lower back/hips. Your knees should be slightly bent at the top of the movement.

Let your heels come down into the bottom position of the Donkey Calf Raise. The stretch position is the "money" position of this exercise and the reason it's so effective for developing the calves. Hold this stretch for a few seconds at the bottom of every single rep to maximize the effect you get from it.

Then come up, raising your heels as high as you can, getting a hard contraction on the calves.

This setup has the advantage of allowing much greater freedom of movement than a regular Donkey Calf Raise machine, so your body can find it's own path for the exercise. This also dramatically increases the stabilization requirements being placed on the calves during the movement, which is something that's competely missing from the machine version.

The Bottom Line

The Donkey Calf Raise is a KEY exercise for developing great calves...and this is a GREAT setup for the exercise that has a number of advantages over machines that are even designed specifically for it!

So if you train in a home gym or a commercial gym, and you have a power rack, try this exercise setup. I promise, you will LOVE having a way to train calves like this.

Want to keep this exercise for reference? Right-click here and choose "save target as" to download a "take home" PDF of this exercise now...




Now, if you liked those 5 exercises...

I've Got 149 MORE Exercises That Will Build The Strong, Muscular, Powerful Legs You Want!...

You'll find these in my book "The Best Leg Exercises You've Never Heard Of"...

It's packed with a total of 154 unique, innovative and effective exercises that will ELIMINATE boredom and stagnation in your leg training once and for all.

  • 40 squat variations
  • 34 lunge and split squat variations
  • 12 quadricep-targeted exercises
  • 28 hamstring-targeted exercises
  • 20 glute exercises
  • 20 calf exercises

Leg training doesn't have to be just barbell squats, leg presses and leg curls. The exercises I've got for you will jack your leg training through the ROOF!

This stuff is GOLD...

Keep reading below to learn more!

Amazing book, Coach! Thanks for putting the time and effort into creating this incredible book. I own every single book from your Best Exercises series, but this one is like a cherry on top!!!

With these 154 leg exercises, I will NEVER be bored. My legs were made by your hardocore, unique training style, and now I'm looking forward to bringing it to the next level, spicing things up with your funky new ideas. You never fail to impress!

Thanks, my Coach, for helping me shape these big, strong legs, even at 45 years old!

-- Elena Georgiana
Fitness Competitor and Bodybuilder


In This Book, You'll Get...

Exercises covering amazing new variations of squats, lunges, split squats and stiff-legged deadlifts as well as focused isolation training techniques for quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves so that you get MAXIMUM muscle growth and strength stimulation from hips to heels.

Exercises that use simple equipment such as barbells, dumbbells, power racks, benches and bands so that you can use these movements no matter how limited your gym setup is.

And while there are a few exercises that utilize machines, it's not in any "normal" way you might be familiar with, I promise!

Exercises covering every major movement pattern the legs and lower body are capable of so that you get complete and balanced leg development...strength, functionality AND visual symmetry.

Detailed descriptions, photos and an ONLINE VIDEO LIBRARY of all the exercises in action (with me explaining them to you!) so you know EXACTLY what you're doing every step of the way.

Detailed descriptions, photos and an ONLINE VIDEO LIBRARY of all the exercises in action so you know EXACTLY what you're doing every step of the way.

Unlimited FREE updates...whenever I come up with a new leg exercise in the future, I'm going to send it to you.


Plus a Full 60-Day Money
Back Guarantee...

Full 60-Day Money Back Guarantee

I'm here to help you get results from your training. It's my passion in life and I stand behind my training programs and exercises 100%. You have my word on this and it's not something I take lightly.

If you buy this book and are not satisfied with the quality of the information or the results you get, just let me know and I will give you a prompt and courteous refund.

No questions asked. That's my promise to you.

You'll have a FULL TWO MONTHS to test the exercises and see the results you get. All I ask of you is that you give these exercises an honest try. I know you'll be amazed at the results you get.


The Best Leg
Exercises Book


  • 40 squat variations
  • 34 lunge and split squat variations
  • 12 quadricep-targeted exercises
  • 28 hamstring-targeted exercises
  • 20 glute exercises
  • 20 calf exercises

You'll get a total of 154 unique and effective new exercises to help you get bigger, stronger, powerful, muscular legs.
The complete video library features in-depth instructions and demonstrations of EVERY single exercise in the book so you know exactly what you're doing every step of the way!
My full support, any time you need it! I know these exercises better than anybody and I'm here to help you with any questions you have so you get the most out of these movements.


Lifetime All-
Book Pass

$95 $49
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  • The Best Leg Exercises (154 exercises)
  • The Best Exercises (53 exercises)
  • The Best Exercises 2.0 (55 exercises)
  • The Best Abdominal Exercises (77 exercises)
  • The Best Arm Exercises (68 exercises)
  • The Best Chest Exercises (53 exercises)
  • The Best Back Exercises (145 exercises)
  • The Best Shoulder Exercises (76 exercises)
  • The Best Fat Loss Exercises (52 exercises)
  • The Best Mass Exercises (119 exercises)
  • The Best Bodyweight Exercises (85 exercises)
  • The Best Combat Exercises (173 exercises)
  • Hybrid Training (40 exercises)


Bought separately, these books would cost $235...this package deal saves you a total of $140 RIGHT NOW...that's 60% off!
You'll get 1,150 exercises in total, covering EVERY single muscle and movement in your body with unique, insanely-effective exercises with videos for EVERYTHING.
You'll automatically get VIP priority access to every NEW "Best Exercises" book that I create in the future with NO additional cost to you!



Still Got Questions?
I've Got Answers...


1. Are these exercises just for men or will they work for women, too?
Are these exercises just for men or will they work for women, too?

These exercises work GREAT for women. Your legs and glutes will develop according to your FEMALE genetics and hormone levels.

Most women simply DO NOT have the hormonal capability to develop big, thick, manly muscles...it's just not going to happen.

The harder you work at these exercises, the BETTER your legs are going to look.


2. Are these exercises okay for older trainers...50+ years old?
Are these exercises okay for older trainers...50+ years old?


Your muscles don't know how old they are, however they DO know how effective your exercises are at stimulating growth and strength.

The only thing you need to be aware of are any physical limitations you have in terms of past injuries or health issues, just like anybody else of ANY age.


3. I'm a beginner...are there exercises I can use in this book?

Yes, there are! This book contains a wide variety of exercises that can be used by beginners...it's just a matter of choosing the appropriate exercise and amount of resistance for your ability level.

4. Do these exercises require a lot of fancy equipment or machines?
Can I do these exercises at home with very little or very basic equipment?

Not at all!

The focus of this book is on free weight exercises...the vast majority can be done with just barbells, dumbbells, a power rack, and a bench.

My goal is give you as many practical and effective options as possible to help you get the most out of your leg training.

5. How do I use these exercises in my regular workouts?


The nice thing about these leg exercises is you can very easily substitute them DIRECTLY into you regular training. If your program calls for a squat, then select one of the many squat variations found in the book. Same goes for lunges, hamstrings, quads...you name it.

You'll get simple, straight-across substitution of exercises into ANY program.

6. Who is Nick Nilsson and why the heck is he called the "Mad Scientist of Muscle"?

Who is Nick Nilsson and why the heck is he called the Mad Scientist of Muscle? So yeah, it is true...I am a bit "mad!" In addition to this controlled insanity, I take a very scientific approach to solving "exercise problems", creating new movements and techniques to fix what's not working for you.

I have a degree in Physical Education (covering advanced biomechanics, physiology, anatomy and kinesiology) and a whole lot of natural-born creativity to do this with.

One of my great passions in life is helping people just like you get more out of their training...and that's exactly why I want to help YOU put these exercises to work in your own training!

One Last Thing...    


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The Best Leg
Exercises Book


  • 40 squat variations
  • 34 lunge and split squat variations
  • 12 quadricep-targeted exercises
  • 28 hamstring-targeted exercises
  • 20 glute exercises
  • 20 calf exercises

You'll get a total of 154 unique and effective new exercises to help you get bigger, stronger, powerful, muscular legs.
The complete video library features in-depth instructions and demonstrations of EVERY single exercise in the book so you know exactly what you're doing every step of the way!
My full support, any time you need it! I know these exercises better than anybody and I'm here to help you with any questions you have so you get the most out of these movements.


Lifetime All-
Book Pass

$95 $49
1 Time Payment!

  • The Best Leg Exercises (154 exercises)
  • The Best Exercises (53 exercises)
  • The Best Exercises 2.0 (55 exercises)
  • The Best Abdominal Exercises (77 exercises)
  • The Best Arm Exercises (68 exercises)
  • The Best Chest Exercises (53 exercises)
  • The Best Back Exercises (145 exercises)
  • The Best Shoulder Exercises (76 exercises)
  • The Best Fat Loss Exercises (52 exercises)
  • The Best Mass Exercises (119 exercises)
  • The Best Bodyweight Exercises (85 exercises)
  • The Best Combat Exercises (173 exercises)
  • Hybrid Training (40 exercises)


Bought separately, these books would cost $235...this package deal saves you a total of $140 RIGHT NOW...that's 60% off!
You'll get 1,150 exercises in total, covering EVERY single muscle and movement in your body with unique, insanely-effective exercises with videos for EVERYTHING.
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The Best Exercises You've
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The Best Exercises You've
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Hybrid Training
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